An independent school and nursery in Danbury, Chelmsford, Essex for boys and girls aged 2-11

Eves Corner, Danbury

Essex CM3 4QB

01245 223131

Eves Corner, Danbury

Essex CM3 4QB

07:20 - 19:00

Monday to Friday

01245 223131

Academic Extension Programme

Here at Heathcote we offer a wide range of opportunities that enrich and extend our children’s academic talents.

Some of the clubs and activities that we offer are:

  • Quiz Club – Maths and Science
  • Chess Club
  • Debating Club
  • National Young Mathematicians Award
  • English Speaking Board examinations
  • ISA Art competition
  • ABRSM music examinations

Whatever your child’s preferred learning style we have academic enrichment activities to extend them.

Verbal / linguistic: school library; vocabulary and literacy challenges; lead roles in school productions; drama club; creative writing club; story writing competitions – school, regional, national; writing for the school newsletter/website

Spatial / visual: specialist Art club; regional and national competitions; ISA Art competition

Logical / mathematical: problem-solving activities; Maths investigations; Puzzle Solving and Challenge Week; Science Week; Science Club; Quiz Club; Chess Club

Music / rhythmical: solos in concerts and plays (singing, acting and instrumental); recorder lessons; choir; LAMDA examinations; one-to-one music instrument tuition; ABRSM music examinations

Bodily / kinaesthetic: cricket, netball, gymnastics, football, tennis tae-kwondo co-curricular clubs; cross country; athletics; Sports Day; swimming galas; sport holiday camps at Heathcote

Spiritual: circle times and assemblies; Harvest Festival, Christmas Carol Concert; visiting speakers.

Leadership: Prefect opportunities in Year 6; Class leaders; Eco reps; librarians; fundraising; assemblies; Reading Buddies System; school council