Heathcote provides a happy, warm, caring, stimulating Early Years environment for children aged from 2 years. We pride ourselves on our inclusive, supportive ethos that recognises every child as a unique individual, deserving of the very best care and attention from our highly qualified, professional team of staff.
Uniquely small and situated at the heart of the school, Heathcote Nursery benefits from all our on-site facilities and children experience specialist teaching including French, PE and music. Nursery children are part of our school family and join in with whole school events such as assemblies, school productions and celebrations. The Nursery is also ideally positioned to access local resources such as the local library and our lovely rural environment which is explored during Outdoor Learning sessions.
The setting is large, open plan and well equipped with stimulating learning areas that support the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum and that motivate the children to learn through their play and child initiated experiences. As well as having lots of time to explore and follow their own interests, the children also participate in a daily routine that includes adult-led and adult-guided educational learning activities, encouraging the development of all the important skills that are essential for school readiness and a successful transition from Nursery into Reception.
The Early Years garden is self-contained and secure with an all-weather covered area, allowing for daily outdoor sessions through both free-flow play and organised activities. The sand play, water play, mud kitchen, play house, bicycles and climbing equipment offer many essential learning opportunities for young children who are curious, keen to explore and full of energy. As well as supporting rapidly developing motor skills, the outside area also encourages children’s independence, resilience and provides a playful learning environment.
Along with the rest of the school, all Nursery and Reception children are provided with a daily hot lunch which is cooked on site or they are welcome to bring a packed lunch from home.
Strong, positive relationships with parents are essential at Heathcote and are developed through daily informal chats and daily feedback sheets. Parents are invited to attend Parent Consultations in the Autumn and Spring Terms and we provide termly reports. Children’s development and progress is constantly monitored through informal observations and assessments. We use this information to inform our planning for the next steps on their learning journey and deliver these through activities that are fun, challenging and engaging.