At Heathcote we are working together through our PSHRE lessons, CRE lessons and as part of our form period time to support each other’s unique amazing characters. We want to celebrate all that is wonderful about every one of us. During the week beginning 11th November we will be holding our usual annual antibullying week which is this year entitled ‘Change Starts with Us’. One of our main activities is to consider how we can bring about positive change even if we are very small. Indeed we are all superheroes! The children will bring home a Heathcote Heroes bookmark showing a list of what a Heathcote hero does to help our school community and our own personal, emotional health and wellbeing.
Heathcote Heroes:
- Speak up for others
- Are kind to everyone
- Respect differences
- Respect ourselves, others and our environment
- Set a positive example for others
- Tell an adult about bullying behaviour
- Understand that change starts with us
- Are mindful of our health and wellbeing
- Are active and have fun!
We hope you enjoy supporting your Heathcote heroes’ wellbeing in this way!
Mrs Scott
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