An independent school and nursery in Danbury, Chelmsford, Essex for boys and girls aged 2-11

Eves Corner, Danbury

Essex CM3 4QB

01245 223131

Eves Corner, Danbury

Essex CM3 4QB

07:20 - 19:00

Monday to Friday

01245 223131

Heads Blog

A year ago, Heathcote undertook the challenge of becoming formally recognised for our excellent mental health provision. The Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools exists to strengthen the mental health of the next generation by supporting schools to create positive change across all levels of the UK’s education system. The initiative is part of the Carnegie School 
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When is Outdoor Learning Appropriate? A strange question, to which the answer would ideally be … always and for everyone! I imagine, most teachers would agree that almost any learning objective in a Preprep school setting can be delivered through an environment beyond the classroom. When outside, the children seem to light up, they have smiles on their faces because 
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It seems unbelievable to me, that a decade ago my husband and I were starting to consider which primary school would be best for our daughter. At this time, as a primary teacher and previous Deputy Headteacher I felt certain I would know the school just by looking at its website and reading through the most recent inspection report. However, 
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Recently, Mrs Scott was asked to write an article for SATIPS, the professional support body for teachers and teaching assistants in independent schools across the UK and worldwide, providing training, information and resources. Mrs Scott’s detailed article explains the benefits of outdoor learning provision including how at Heathcote School we have outdoor learning every Friday on our preprep curriculum map, 
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The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework establishes that children should make use of the environment around them to enable their natural curiosity to be part of their educational experience. At Heathcote Preparatory School and Nursery we felt that our EYFS playground wasn’t having a positive impact and should be developed with thought and consideration to facilitate and engage our 
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Our school has been named the best independent primary in the UK! Heathcote won ‘Junior School of the Year’ at the 2021 Independent Schools Association (ISA) National Awards, which recognise excellence in independent education across the country. The judges highlighted Heathcote’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, exemplary teamwork, family support, technology provision and staff upskilling, while at the same time 
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During the recent lockdowns, many of my state school colleagues have found that their usually large classes have become much smaller. This may be due to children unable to access IT technology at home, or perhaps with some of the children being onsite as they have key worker parents or maybe during the end of summer term 2020 when some 
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by Mrs Samantha Scott, Head Teacher, MEd. Cantab This year has been hugely successful for Heathcote’s final year pupils with a 90% pass rate for 11+ and 100% of independent school places offered, with a plethora of awards and scholarships for academic, special talent and drama. The pupils have worked hard for these results, supported by our outstanding provision for 
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When my own children were younger often they would be able to have a sleepover at their grandparents house and would get to listen to someone else read a story. I realised that your children may not get to experience this at the moment and – whilst I am definitely not a professional story teller – I might be able 
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