An independent school and nursery in Danbury, Chelmsford, Essex for boys and girls aged 2-11

Eves Corner, Danbury

Essex CM3 4QB

01245 223131

Eves Corner, Danbury

Essex CM3 4QB

07:20 - 19:00

Monday to Friday

01245 223131


The children have been practising hard in drama and music lessons to celebrate and share their harvest songs and the year 6 assembly with everyone that attended on Friday. Many thanks to all of you who came to celebrate with us, we loved seeing so many of you. The year 6 form led the whole school in singing, acting and 
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Mrs Forgeron Many thanks to all of you who attended our work sharing afternoons last week. We hope you enjoyed the opportunity to see your children’s books and folders. I hope also that you find the parents’ evenings this week and next informative and helpful. This month’s theme is humility. Humility often conjures up images of weakness, submissiveness and fear but 
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Mrs Forgeron So have you started your Christmas shopping yet? When I espied our Christmas tree all beautifully lit up in the front playground this morning, I felt that little tingle of Christmas excitement. I know, by now, many of you will know exactly how many sleeps it is until Christmas morning, you may have wrapped every present and perhaps 
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Mrs Forgeron What a lot of fun we had today! Rather a belated World Book day celebration which was postponed due to the snow but a very good time was had by all…
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Today to support Children in Need we all dressed up in a whole variety of spotty outfits to raise money for this worthwhile cause. The children worked hard at break time icing cakes and adding their coins to Pudsey’s spots as well as posing in the spotty photo booth! Well done to everyone in Robins who worked hard to make this 
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On Tuesday Swallows sold  pancakes at break and lunch time which everyone enjoyed with lots of yummy toppings. They raised £93 for the WWF, our school charity this year.
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